For NJ business storefronts, storefront glass is about much more than just its appearance and impact on opening the business to the outside world; it’s about ensuring code compliance, building safety and the safety of the public. As the needs of commercial business owners and building regulations change, the storefront glass options for businesses evolve as well.
This can have an effect on the NJ glass installation techniques and the choice of solution provider and installer that you choose for your business. By providing an overview of the trends in storefront glass, new Jersey businesses can get a better idea of what is involved in its changes or additions to their buildings. Storefront systems are a combination of specific types of glass, framing, sealants and weather stripping, fasteners, and more. Because of the evolution of building codes and the storefront systems, businesses must choose a skilled and experienced glass contractor who is up-to- date on current industry trends and standards. Whether you are dealing with permanent storefronts or sliding doors and windows, the individual parts of the system work together to form a complete solution.
Meeting energy efficiency guidelines is a growing concern for storefront glass design and installation, which is a big part of tinting, tempered glass use, and modern frame designs. While double glazed glass improves energy efficiency, that can be increased when it is combined with tinting, which increases privacy and heat transference to the interior. It can also play a part in reducing the distraction from the outside while still providing an open view.
When it comes to frames, the use of aluminum storefront frames provides greater insulation for the building interior while providing an added advantage of reducing heat conduction between panes. The resulting combination of elements reduces costs while simultaneously conserving energy. Today, the addition of innovative seals and sealants also impacts energy conservation as well as increasing the structural support and safety of commercial glass installation.
Professional NJ glass installation for storefronts and commercial buildings requires superior glazing techniques and glazing materials to enhance security and safety as well as the aesthetic look of the storefront. The correct use and application of these seals, sealants and overall glazing techniques can only be maximized when skilled installers work directly with designers. This partnership ensures that they have detailed understanding of the plans for the installation based on the design as well as its fenestration.
Fenestration – the arrangement of glass on different elevations within a building or storefront – is one example of the need for a close partnership between designers and installers. Proper fenestration is key to higher order science that goes into ensuring that the finished design will maintain its needed structural integrity while fulfilling the building’s aesthetic appeal agenda.
By creating a seamless process from design through installation, Image Glass can make a profound impact on a business and its customers. By letting us partner with you on the design of an existing building or new construction, our experienced design professionals and installers can help you to make the best choices without any undue costs or compromises.
To learn more about how Image Glass can help you achieve beauty, efficiency and safety with glass installations as part of your commercial storefront design, call us at (732) 438-8551
to speak to one of our glass specialists.